Malawi is poised to deliver
Malawi is nicknamed the Warm Heart of Africa for its friendly people with incredible smiles.
Malawi is also the third-poorest country in the world where over 60 percent of the population earns less than $1.90 per day.
But Malawi is young, ambitious, connected, and open for business. Together with Tiderise, the global business community can be a part of transforming a nation — and ending generational poverty in Malawi through sustainable employment.
Malawi profile:
Young and ambitious
Malawi has a young population of 19 million people, averaging 17.8 years of age.
Malawians who have the opportunity of a high school education, boast an 80 percent completion rate.
Politically stable
Malawi is one of the most politically stable countries in Africa.
Malawi boasts 4G connectivity to over 85 percent of the country and fiber in the major urban centers.

TideRise employees earn a full-time income, providing a path out of the generational cycle of poverty, for themselves and their family members.
One person employed by Tiderise increases their earning potential by 5-10x allowing them margin and safety.
Tiderise employees typically support multiple family members and relatives, extending the impact to eight people or more.
Tiderise employees and relatives spend money in the local economy, supporting service workers and shop owners while sustainably growing the local economy.
“Tiderise has transformed my life. I can now realize my responsibility as a son to financially support my parents and family.”
Saulosi Luka
Tiderise team member since 2019
Together, we can break the poverty cycle and bridge the gap in opportunity.
Get started
Tell us about the kind of help you’re looking for, and we’ll deliver a custom, no-obligation resourcing brief that details strategy, timeline, and costs. If you like the plan, give us the go-ahead, we’ll orient and equip the team for your specific objectives, and they’ll be ready to start in 14 days.